Everything is Connected

Everything is connected and comes from one formless, timeless, Source.

We can call this Eternal Presence.

In Biblical Hebrew this is expressed in the meditation Ehieh Asher Ehieh, the mantra on the conscious breath – 

אֶֽהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶֽהְיֶה

Usually translated I Am that I Am.

This I Am has nothing to do with the persona or ego, which is the identification with mind-made images, our thoughts and emotions, both personal and in the human collective. 

Ehieh Asher Ehieh takes us deeper, beyond the thinking mind.

Be still, be consciously receptive, and in the silence of no-mind, come to know Eternal Conscious Presence.

As you read this now, breathe consciously, feel the aliveness in your hands, in your feet, your arms and legs, and in your whole body, in every cell of your body. Feel the aliveness in your spinal cord connecting spirit and body into a unified whole.

You are one with the Source of all Life. 

This is not a thought or a concept, it is beyond the comprehension of the mind.

From the conscious breath and the awakening to the aliveness in the body, realise there are two movements of the universe.

The inward towards stillness deep within the heart, and the outward into form and diversity of the One.

Practice the embodiment of the inward and outward movements of the breath throughout your day, this frees you from identification with thoughts and brings you into spacious Presence.


Ehieh is the still, silent space that allows the light of consciousness to shine through. This is an awakening in which consciousness becomes aware of itself – as itself: there is no subject – object, no duality, no other to be sought after.

Know that you are given life in this moment now, that you are continually supported by the One universal consciousness – Ehieh Asher Ehieh.

Be present, here, now, with all your attention. 

This Presence will flow into all that you do and say – no more fear and anxiety, no more competitive actions or harsh words.

This is true Peace. 

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