Restoring the Hidden Divine Feminine:

The Song of Songs and The Mary Magdalene Mysteries

Awaking the Feminine Fire of Love for all Life, in Spirit and Flesh

Through the Hebrew letters, the hidden powers of the Divine Feminine open up within the teachings of Kabbalah and the sacred Hebrew texts. We rediscover the creative powers of the Feminine Fire, which have long been hidden, or distorted by centuries of mistranslation and deliberate manipulation.

The creative powers of the Divine Feminine are beyond gender, and beyond biological form. They bring wholeness and the expansive well-being of immediate connection – body with spirit, nature with spirit, body with nature – in spiralling rhythms of fresh awakening to the Unity of Life.

In Hebrew the feminine fire is Ischa.

Ischa denotes the transformation of the universal Fire of Creation into the rhythms of the breath of life. We can all experience the pulsations of the breath of life within our own bodies every time we still the mind and become consciously present.

And this in turn allows the intensity of true masculine fire to arise within. This is Isch in Hebrew – the pure, burning love for life that is free of the patriarchal and authoritarian distortions and greed for power, wealth and control over life.

The Song of Songs

The Hebrew poetry of the Song of Songs is among the most profound and beautiful expressions of the awakening of the Feminine Fire. This ancient poem is an outpouring of Love for all Life, in Spirit and in Flesh, sung in the feminine voice. The Song celebrates the sensual and sexual joy of becoming fully alive, and participating in the continual unfolding of Creation.

And the Singer of the poem is within each one of us, whatever our gender. Each one of us is the Lover of all Life, and the Lover of this moment, Now.

The Mary Magdalene Mysteries

These give us direct guidance for embodying our part in the Song of Creation, and living the peace of this awakened state. The Mary Magdalene teachings have their source within the Hebrew poetry of the Song of Songs. They were given new form in the Gospels, especially in the Gospel of John (Link), where Mary Magdalene appears as the feminine face of the Christ, the equal companion of Joshua/Jesus, as the holder of the Christ Consciousness.

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