“Be still (become silent within – no mind)
And know (as revelation)
The I that is Elohim (Presence – The Unity of Life).
Elohim will raise up (spiritually awaken) unconscious humanity.
Elohim exalts the whole created Earth.”
Psalm 46:10 (My translation from the Hebrew).
What is the “I” that is Elohim?
The Hebrew letters Elohim are a meditation, and have always been mistranslated as God. But Elohim is not, and never has been, a deity. To experience the “I that is Elohim” directly is one of the most profound mystical teachings in the Bible.
Take a conscious breath: be aware of the spine, let it be straight but not tense, with each conscious breath you are allowing the soles of the feet to connect with the Earth. Consciously connecting with the Earth, allowing it to support you, deepens the Presence in which the mind becomes still and silent.
Be aware, that as the spine relaxes, it elongates: you are allowing space between the vertebrae from the coccyx to the cranium. As you breathe out, be aware of the space before the in-breath, a pause that allows the breath to draw in naturally, without effort. As your shoulders and arms release tension, the chest opens, so that you feel space opening out from your centre, around the heart and solar-plexus.
Once you gain a deeper sense of inner stillness, become aware that Elohim – Presence -Unifying field of Life; Source of your Being – connects you with the whole of created existence.
This eternal Presence radiates from deep within you, through the six directions of space.
This radiant Spirit is everywhere, in everything, the Source of all life.
From a greater awareness of life expressing itself in diversity on the Earth, become aware of your connection with the planets in the Solar system.
Be aware of the central point of the Solar system – the Sun – and through the Sun, your connection with the galaxy and the entire Cosmos. Everything is alive, everything is being breathed into existence.
As you breathe in, bring this awareness back to the center within you, beyond body and mind, beyond form. As you release the breath, be aware of the formless creative Spirit that breathes you: be aware that you are being breathed.
Elohim is the timeless source of all life, out of which you are continually created. As your awareness of the I that is Elohim increases, the sense of an egocentric “I” and “mine” begins to diminish.
Breathe consciously, allow the conscious breath to carry you on your journey through life, with, and as, the creative pulse of life.
The universe is breathing you, and when you are conscious of the Eternal timeless Presence, the I that is Elohim, the universal breath flows through you.
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