Course details: Mystical Hebrew 1.0 Introduction

11 Lessons – go at your own pace. 

Ancient Hebrew is a language that unlocks the secrets of Creation and opens us to our own creative nature! Welcome to the online Kabbalistic Hebrew lessons. This is a different approach to the academic study of Hebrew. In these lessons we will be in communion with the Hebrew letters as symbols of living realities within a multi-dimensional universe. 

The Hebrew letters can only be truly understood through meditation. They act like portals or gateways between the formless spiritual universe and the universes of formation and making. We encourage you to listen to the lessons more than once if needed. If you have never studied Hebrew before, it may take a few times. 

Receive 11 Lessons, Videos, Audios, Meditations.

Course comprises pre-recorded audio-visual materials and supplementary PDFs, all of which may be followed at your own pace, and reviewed as often as you wish.

Price: $99

An introduction to the Mystical Hebrew courses:

Steve and Megan discuss this course:

Mystical Hebrew 2.0 »

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