In the still, silent clarity at your core, know the I Am consciousness that is your Elohim: weaver of Bereshith, this vast creative container of Life: Weaver of the Tabah of Noach, the container that consciously receives and transmits the creativity of Life: Weaver of the Universal Tree with all of its nesting places, welcoming Life in all of its forms.
We have the innate ability to create these nesting places within us, which means to consciously participate in the birthing, nurturing and nourishing of all life. As humans, this is our responsibility. But we are not taking responsibility: In the mind of the Human collective we have reduced life to dead matter and a series of commodities, stuff to be bought and sold, polluted and used, and in doing so we are committing collective adultery, collective suicide.
It is not enough to say that the Earth will be fine without us. It is true that the Earth is perfectly capable of producing abundant life once we’re gone, but we are a part of this abundant creativity of multidimensional Life, and we are supposed to be consciously present here, to participate in the weaving of the world tree, the web of Life.
Breathe with awareness and look consciously at the world, wherever you are now. All that appears to the mind as external has a common Source which is at your very core, the essence of who you are as Human-Being. All of Life, in all its diversifying forms is coming from that selfsame Source that you can feel as the pulse of creativity deep within you. And in this spiritually awakened state you will know that there’s no exclusivity.
No single human is unique, and humanity is not a special creature, a special expression of the One consciousness. We have a particular role in creation, but know that everything you see around you is also expressing this One consciousness, the book of Genesis and Exodus call Elohim.
There is a pulsation of Life that we experience through the conscious breath, of gathering in to our center and expanding out through the six directions of space.
This center, is the core, the essence, of everything that exists, and is the source of what we call gravity: the gathering-in of consciousness.
Another way of saying this is that Consciousness is expressed in the Universe as gravity, which allows life the spaciousness to blaze forth with creative life through the six directions.
Standing on the strand pictured in this blog, North Kerry, Eire, breathing with the Sun and the Sea, the rounded stones and sculpted sky and mountains, I consciously gather in, and allow myself to expand through the six directions. I realize the Land and Sea, the Earth, are within me because I drink of their waters. It is the purest water, because it is always new, continually created as this moment now. The birds wade in the shallows, and fly overhead: the heat of the Sun on this cold spring day warms my blood and bones, because it is in my blood and in my bones.
This Universal Consciousness – Elohim – is all-inclusive. So we are advised, through our instructions given to Moses, not to make graven images, because any image we identify with or look to for salvation is ultimately not real. If you are searching for this deep inner connection, know that it is always available to you, and when you realize this Permanent Presence, you can never really lose it, even though your mind will cause you to wander far away from it.
So breathe consciously, feel the vitality of your multidimensional field, that is continually manifesting your mind-body. From there you move with awareness, and speak with awareness of Presence. This is that I that is Elohim: source of all creativity: source of all that is life affirming.
We are also advised not to adulterate the purity of life. All pollution originates from the isolated human mind, and manifests in the world because of our unconscious habitual thought forms.
Go back to the Source to get what you need. Everything you need is there and you can share that abundance with everyone and everything around you by simply being consciously Present, and breathing, moving, and speaking with conscious Presence. This does not require any thinking: just the simple practice of being in and as, this moment, now, to the best of your ability.
When you drink in this Life, you’re drinking from the whole – particles and stars. And this is what the Hebrew texts of Genesis and Exodus are pointing to: the whole of life is calling to us, calling us into awakening. Then you know: what appears to the mind as outside you is also within you, and flowing through the whole cosmos.
And making this conscious connection with animals, plants and all sentient Life – which also means everything that exists at the elemental level – at this time now “the darkest hour” of humanity is really important. Because it is the darkest hour that is the opportunity for the next evolutionary leap in Spiritual Consciousness.
Those of us who can already hear and see need more than ever to hold all these creatures that co-create life in the nesting places in our consciousness. This affects all life from the sub-atomic particles to the Planetary consciousness and Solar system. To be here, as this moment now, breathing and feeling the web of Life coursing through us, and coursing through every living thing, is our greatest gift to the World.
Be still and know the I that is Elohim
this I is the conscious awakening of all humanity
this I is the conscious awakening of All sentient Life
from subatomic to interstellar Space.
Psalm 46, my translation.