Meditation on Bereshith – Creativity

Meditation at Sunset, Namibian 2015



These six Hebrew ciphers (letter-numbers) that form Bereshith open the Torah. They are a profound meditation on creation and creativity.

Bereshith is a meditation on the creativity of a multi-dimensional Universe; the creativity of the totality of Life.

All creativity, and the universal creation, take place here, in this moment, now. 

From out of silent stillness, all movement – space-time – continually emerges, becoming multiplicity of forms that continually pass away into the formless essence from whence they came.

Behind the continual emergence of form is great power, beyond anything that the mind can conceive.  Creativity, the continual creation of life is within you, in every conscious breath that you take.  

You are the universal song of life in human form, the great dance in all of its potential.

When you still the mind, and in that inner silence, feel this reality within you, it appears to you as the essence of every form, dancing around you, and you feel that same dance within you.

Bereshith is the Eternal Present Moment out of which Creativity continually emerges, to become what the mind experiences as form and matter.

Beneath the Surface there is no object – only a communion of subjects.

In Bereshith all subject object relationships dissolve into union.

In Bereshith both past and future are consumed into the Presence of The Now. Every creative act takes place in the Present Moment, which is timeless, formless, space.

When you breathe consciously, with awareness of the universal life force that manifests your mind and body, you are entering that Eternal Presence, the Essence of every form of Life.

This meditation can only convey something of what the Hebrew letters of Bereshith point to. If you would like to further explore the depth of meaning contained in the Hebrew letters, you can read my other post on Bereshith here.

Or contact me directly through this site.

2 Comments on “Meditation on Bereshith – Creativity

  1. So beautifully put. The ancient kabbalists would say that the deeds of Beresheit, the beginning, are happening every second. It is the idea that the world is actually being created every second, and we are brand new in every moment if we can sense it. Really enjoying this beautiful meditation.

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