Presence is the essence of all sentient life that surrounds you, and is within you at all times and in all places.
To enter the deeper dimension that is present within you, here, now, requires no mind, no thoughts, just an alert, inner awareness.
The practice of Meditation means To Be receptive to Life (Kabbalah in Hebrew): as you bring your attention fully into the present moment, you become rooted in the timeless. The mind becomes still. In this stillness, you realise your connection with Creative Presence.
The Bible calls this entering the Kingdom of Heaven – a deepening revelation of potent creativity in the present moment. This takes us beyond belief, and all identification with spiritual philosophies and religious creeds, into the formless One.
You realise the formless, timeless essence as the core of who you are; the core of everyone and everything.
Every moment spent in Presence creates gaps in the thought streams of the mind, that open out into deeper awareness that permeates through you.
Once you are able to observe the egoic mind, even fleetingly, you notice how it seeks to fill inner space with thoughts and emotionally charged forms or identities, which draw you back into unconsciousness. Although it is a real challenge, your ability to become, and then remain, present, so that you can observe this return to the ordinary mind, is the beginning of the end of their power over you.
It is important not to fight the ego; this simply strengthens it. Your attention in the present moment, without judgement, dissolves all past thought forms that cause division and depression, and all future imaginings that cause compulsive needs and anxiety.
Practicing meditation by being still before doing or saying anything brings the spiritual dimension into your daily life. In this clear space, subject and object separation is diminished. Realising you are an integral part of the interconnectivity of all life on Earth and in the Cosmos brings Peace: your body loves this connectivity and is invigorated by it, the senses open out, the incredible depth and fullness of life reveals itself to you. And then you know that Heaven and Earth are One.
The senses fill to overflowing,
enlivened in your awakening,
wordless inner knowing,
a trusting,
you are supported by the universe,
and everything connected,
flows in and out of you as Conscious Breath.