Awakening to Inner Space

Meditation and spiritual practice are not separate from your daily life.

Arriving at the river each day is to greet the world anew.
No life form remains the same.
Underneath the flow of life is the Peace of Presence, the space that allows each form To Be.

Life, meditation and prayer are realised as One, no thoughts or words are necessary only your lucid attention in the present moment.

Awakening to inner space

The Hebrew for the formless Spirit is Ruwach, which can be translated as “expansive creative space,” and “the movement of the breath or the wind.” It is within you now giving you life. (From the book Patterns of Creation.)

The Human Spirit is intimately connected to the whole of life. To live as Ruwach is to be free of identification with any form whist living fully within the universe of forms. 

Ruwach, the formless Spirit, can only be known by being fully conscious to Life which means being open to the constant renewal of forms.
Awakening to the Peace of Presence, there is no resistance to the continual flow of new life.

Living Creativity

Creativity continually emerges out of unknowing: formless, non-conceptualized space – no-thing that we can say is anything – allowing every possible possibility to emerge in the play of forms.

Creative inner space emerges out of the Quiet Still Presence within you, and allows the application of all of your learnt skills without interference from the compulsive thinking of the unobserved mind.

As awareness of creative space grows, identification with the ego diminishes, dissolving the compulsive thought forms that cause fear, anxiety, anger and depression.

Ruwach – Spirit of Life – is fullness of life, animating every form.

Eternal Life continually creates all things new, and is present within you now.

Creativity continually arises out of intense Presence.

In Hebrew this is,
Bereshith Bara Elohim Et Ha Shamaim Vey Et Ha Eretz.

This can be translated as:

The creation of all life continually emerges out of Elohim; Being – Eternal Presence, in the Here – Now:

As Heaven (formless creative Spirit) and Earth (all the forms of the Cosmos):

Heaven and Earth are intimately intertwined as One Creation. 

(my translation of the opening lines of Genesis)
