Spiritual awakening begins as a seed in space deep within you.
To feel this seed awaken within, take a Conscious Breath and become present with all of your attention. Breathing with awareness of the vitality of the body allows the seed to open into spacious Presence.
You are Creative Life.
Creative Life is the space that allows the seed to grow and blossom into a full expression of consciousness.
Through bringing all your attention to the Conscious Breath, the mind becomes still – no thought.
You are the spaciousness within, the aliveness, the vitality that forms and sustains your Soul and body.
In awakening to Conscious Presence you begin to realise the creative dynamic of the Spiritual body, which is without form and has as its core Stillness – I Am – Being.
The creative Spirit – Ruach in Hebrew – means Universal Breath. All thoughts, every form arises and dissolves out of the movement of the Universal Breath of Life.
As we increase our awareness of the Breath of Life, we allow all thought forms of fear, grief, pain, loneliness and separation to be held in a space of love and compassion, where they are dissolved into the One Consciousness that pervades all of life.
Be Present in the here-now with all your attention – as much as you can give to your awakening in this moment.
As you Breathe Consciously realise that you are rooted in Being – timeless Presence.
Right now, you are at one with the breath of Elohim – One Consciousness.
Realise that you are being breathed.
Space and breath are One.
This is beyond all form, beyond anything that the mind can understand as anything.
The Creative Spirit continually conceives new life, allowing all past and future imaginings to dissolve into Presence.