What is Kabbalah?
The Hebrew word Kabbalah means to receive; to be receptive to life as the ongoing revelation of Eternal Presence. There are many Hebrew words in the Bible used to describe this formless Eternal Presence. The three principal ones are Ehieh, I AM; Jahveh, To Be-Being; and Elohim, Absolute life – the formless source of unfolding creation.
Eternal Presence is in the universe and is the universe, but the universe cannot contain the formless creative essence of life. Therefore every form of life is in a continual state of flux: a continual outpouring of this One consciousness.

You are connected to everything that exists, both as formless essence and as the
multi-dimentional diversity that makes up the fabric of the universe. Most of Life remains invisible to the everyday mind, yet when you awaken as the Tree of Life your eyes are opened to the depths of Creation.
To receive is to be open and spacious to possibility; this the universe continually provides in the present moment. You are letting go of outcome and allowing the creativity of the universe to come through you, as it will. This means that we enter a space of not knowing – or unknowing.

The mind alone struggles to understand the reception of life because it is striving to know as an objective observer. But the conscious witness is at-one-with all that it beholds.
To know as the witness means letting go of all that we think and accumulate as intellectual knowing – it is to enter a state of Being – Presence – that allows life to flow through us as the universe itself.
The Essence of who you are is at One with the Essence of all Life. In Kabbalah this is expressed as Ehieh Asher Ehieh – I AM that I AM.
The sound of every in breath and out breath is the mantra of Ehieh. Listen now, with all of your attention to your breathing, as you would listen to the sound of the ocean lapping on the shore.
3 Comments on “Kabbalah”
So beautifully written. This is absolutely true. You are the Tree of Life. Kabbalah is ultimately about beingness, not just memorizing diagrams or forms as many can begin to take it to be. The presence of this moment is where we experience sacredness. Thank you for sharing this beautiful article.
So beautifully written. This is absolutely true. You are the Tree of Life. Kabbalah is ultimately about beingness, not just memorizing diagrams or forms as many can begin to take it to be. The presence of this moment is where we experience sacredness. Thank you for sharing this beautiful
Hello Devorah, thank you for your comments – I am going to take a look at your website, it looks very interesting. Very best wishes to you.