Agape – Universal Love

The sound of the breath resonating from a gray whale mother as she surfaces with her calf in the San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California. Agape – Universal Love wells up from deep within us, beyond all our transient and changeable feelings. It is Love for all life within the great community of the Earth.

Agape – Universal Love, is synonymous with spiritual awakening, or consciousness becoming aware of itself, in the deepening of connection with life in all its forms. When we are intensely present we are given the opportunity to meet in communion with Life in all its diversity and realise that all this magnificent beauty comes from the One – Logos. To practice Agape in our daily lives is to join in communion with the whole of created existence.

When we make our idea of Love small,
we make ourselves small.
Agape – Universal Love is to take responsibility for our place within the Earth Community. Love is the continual creative outpouring through every living thing – every creature,
each moment of every day.

This is the inner meaning of Receiving Logos.

Agape is beyond what the ego thinks of as love. The transient nature of the unconscious mind separates life into subject and object and seeks to find completeness outside of itself through clinging to ephemeral forms, which it seeks to possess as ego identities. These phantoms can arise as images of love in our relationships which turn all too quickly into their opposites. These same phantom thought forms also cause us to associate love with the accumulation of money, power and possessions as wealth. This causes a disconnection with the natural world: our fellow creatures become mere commodities for us to exploit and destroy, rather than being realised as the manifestation of Divine Love, the true wealth out of which we ourselves emerge.

White Rhino and her calf. Heavy poaching means that these animals may soon be extinct in their diminishing habitats in Africa. Other endangered species in Africa now include the Elephant and the Lion. When these creatures vanish from the landscape, a whole ecological web of life goes with them. From the human perspective we are not just destroying our children’s inheritance, we are also committing mass suicide.
Agape – Love, is Universal Creative Power.

For if I speak with the inspired language of the Human Spirit (Anthropos) and the voices of Angels (the Patterns of Creation) but have not Agape (Unconditional/universal Love), then I become like the roaring echo of an empty vessel, the clamouring of restless and raging passions. And though I have inspired prophecies and insights into the mysteries, and all gnosis (spiritual knowledge), and such faith that I could remove mountains, and have not Agape, I am nothing. 

And if I give away all my possessions to the poor, and give the vitality of my body to burn as a shining light showing the way, but have not Agape in me, I gain nothing.  

Agape stays constant, is patient and kind; Agape does not envy or hate – knows no anger; Agape does not boast, and has no pride; it is not coarse or rude, does not insist upon its own way: is not irritable or easily provoked; it is not resentful, injurious or destructive. It does not rejoice at finding wrong but rejoices at goodness, beauty and truth; it bears all these things, believes all these things, endures all these things. 

What we can know is only ever partial, our prophetic visions are only ever partial, but when that which is perfect comes (the peace of completion/Oneness with the continual creative outpouring,) the imperfect will pass away.   1 Cor 13:1-10 (My translation)

Dawn on the Sea of Galilee.

The source of Agape is stillness and silence; the Peace of Presence.

Out of silent Presence, comes the continual outpouring of birdsong and the waters lapping on the shore.

The movement in sound, vision and texture of countless living forms.

The music of the planets, the Glory of the Sun and the other Stars.

Listening is an art: in order to listen, become still and silent inside. If you think you are listening, you are not truly listening, there is mental noise covering the silence: inner silence is no thought.

Be still; take a conscious breath and enter Agape  from there.

Unless we can embrace the magnificence, elegance and beauty of nature, the Earth, the Sun and the other Stars, realising our deep connectivity, we cannot comprehend the depths of Agape.

Agape is not limited to human relationship, or to God loving humanity, as if we humans were some kind of separate and special entity from the vast, all embracing creative power of the Cosmos, that continually manifestes the living Earth.

Every Galaxy is a living manifestation of the continual Creative outpouring of Elohim. Our Earth and all its life forms are part of one such glorious manifestation.

Universal and unconditional Love means that we awaken to the whole web of life, and begin to co-create with God, with the totality of the universe, rather than our current path of destroying life.

Before and after images of tar sands mining in Alberta.

To destroy the web of life on Earth is the greatest evil we can do, no matter how hard we try and justify our actions.

To practice Agape is to work with the voices of angels and archangels in manifesting the web of life in co-creation with Elohim. In Hebrew, Elohim means Absolute life, Being of Beings – the source of all created Life.

Any human that lives in Agape – Universal Love becomes a human – Being: we no longer separate the Presence of Elohim from the Cosmos and the Natural world, which are the physical manifestation of the Creative Spirit of Elohim. When we  consciously choose to awaken spiritually we are at-one with Elohim in the vast creative outpouring into the Cosmos and Nature. This is the gift you can bring to the community of the Earth.
